What do you want to talk about today?
What # of subjects could this factor actually involve though?
What # of factors could this subject actually involve though?
What # of dimensions could this factor actually involve though?
What # of knowledge could this dimension actually involve though?
What # of factors could this subject actually involve though?
What # of subjects could this factor actually involve though?
What # of dimensions could this subject actually involve though?
What # of knowledge could this dimension actually involve though?
What # of actions could this knowledge actually involve though?
What # of skill could this action actually involve though?
What # of factors could this skill actually involve though?
What # of products could this factor actually involve though?
What # of locations could this product actually involve though?
What # of situations could this location actually involve though?
What # of dimensions could this situation actually involve though?
What # of products could this dimension actually involve though?
What # of locations could this product involve already though?
What # of situations could this location actually involve though?
What % of products could this situation actually involve though?
What % of factors could this product actually involve though?
What % of actions could this factor actually involve though?
What % of knowledge could this action actually involve though?
What % of situations could this knowledge actually involve though?
What % of observations this situation actually involve though?
What % of products could this observation actually involve though
What % of numbers could this product involve already though?
What % of locations could this number actually involve though?
What # of dimensions could this location actually involve though?
What # of products could this dimension actually involve though?
What # of actions could this product actually involve though?
What # of intentions could this action involve already though?
What # of dimensions could this intention actually though?
What type of products could this dimension actually involve though?
What type of factors could this product actually involve though?
What type of actions could this factor actually involve though?
What type of skill could this action involve already though?
What type of projects could this skill actually involve though?
What type of locations could this project actually involve though?
What type of products could this location involve already though?
What type of skill could this product actually involve though?
What type of knowledge could this skill involve already though?
What type of #’s could this knowledge actually involve though?
What type of situations could this # involve already though?
What type of factors could this situation actually involve though?
What type of dimensions could this factor actually involve though?
What % of knowledge could this dimension actually involve though?
What % of products could this knowledge actually involve though?
What % of needs could this product involve already though?
What % of actions could this need actually involve though?
What % of intentions could this action actually involve though?
What % of factors could this intention actually involve though?
What % of locations could this factor actually involve though?
What % of products could this location actually involve though?
What % of situations could this product actually involve though?
What % of knowledge could this situation involve already though?
What % of actions could this knowledge actually involve though?
What # of intentions could this action involve already though?
What # of products could this intention actually involve though?
What # of ways will the dimension of needs be actually involved though?
What # of actions will this location involve already though?
What # of dimensions will this action actually involve though?
What # of situations will this dimension involve already though?
What type of ways could this dimension of needs be actually involved though?
What type of locations could this actually have involved though?
What # of ways could this have concerns actually involved though?
What type of ways could this actually have mistakes involved though?
What type of ways could this have problems actually involved though?
What type of ways could dimensions of needs be involved with this skill though?
What # of ways will this skill be involving locations of need though?
Locations of situations of knowledge
Situation of locations of knowledge
What # of situations of knowledge will this skill be involving though?
What # of locations of knowledge will this skill actually be involving though?
What questions do you want to ask today?
What # of subjects could this question actually involve though?
What # of factors could this subject actually involve though?
# of products of skill
What type of factors could this # actually involve though?
What type of skill could this factor actually involve though?
What type of #’s could this skill actually involve though?
What type of knowledge could this # actually involve though?
% of knowledge of questions
What type of factors could this % actually involve though?
What type of skill could this factor actually involve though?
What type of dimensions could this skill actually involve though?
What type of knowledge could this dimension actually involve though?
What type of #’s could this knowledge actually involve though?
# questions
What type of factors could this # actually involve though?
What type of factors could this # involve already though?
What type of factors did this # actually involve though?
What # of factors will this actually involve though?
What # of factors will this involve already though?
verifies locations of a subject
What # of dimensions could this subject involve already though?