What would make this subject prettier though?

# of # of Need of Actions

What % of #’s of need would this # actually involve though?

What % of #’s of need would this # involve already though?

% of % of Need of Actions

What # of %’s of need would this % actually involve though?

What # of %’s of need would this % involve already though?

# of # of Need of Products

% of % of Need of Products

% of % of Need of Projects

# of # of Need of Projects

% of % of Project of Needs

# of # of Project of #’s

# of # of Needs of Project

% of % of Need of Projects

# of # of Intentions of Project

% of % of Intentions of Project

% of % of Situations of Need

# of # of Needs of Situation

% of % of Location of Needs

# of # of Need of Locations

# of # of Dimensions of Need

% of % of Dimension of Needs

# of # of Needs of Knowledge

% of % of Knowledge of Needs

% of % of Need of #’s

# of # of #’s of Need

% of Project of Needs

# of Needs of Project

# of # of Action of Needs

% of % of Needs of Action

# of # of Need of Products

% of % of Project of Products

% of % of Need of Intentions

# of # of Intention of Products

% of % of Intention of Needs

# of # of Needs of Intention

# of # of Need of Intentions

% of % of Project of Needs

# of # of Intentions of Need

% of % of Needs of Project

% of % of Dimension of Situations

# of # of Dimension of Needs

% of % of Situation of Dimensions

# of # of Dimension of Situations

# of # of Dimensions of Location

% of % of Location of Dimensions

# of # of Location of Needs

% of % of Need of Locations

% of % of Needs of Knowledge

# of # of Knowledge of Needs

% of % of Project of #’s

# of # of Product of #’s

# of # of #’s of Action

% of #’s of % of Actions

% of #’s of Products of Action

# of % of Products of Action

# of Actions of % of Product

% of # of Action of Products

% of Projects of % of Action

% of % of Action of Projects

% of Intention of % of Projects

% of Projects of % of Intention

% of Intentions of Projects of Need

% of Project of Intention of Needs

% of Intention of Project of Needs

% of Project of Intention of Needs

% of Intention of Project of Needs

% of Projects of Needs of Intention

% of Knowledge of Needs of Intention

% of Need of Knowledge of Intention

% of Knowledge of Needs of Intention

% of Need of Knowledge of Intentions

% of Need of Knowledge of Projects

% of Needs of Knowledge of Intention

# of Needs of Knowledge of Intention

# of Knowledge of Need of Projects

# of Intention of Need of Knowledge

# of Needs of Projects of Knowledge

% of Location of Knowledge of Needs

% of Knowledge of Need of Locations

# of Need of Knowledge of Locations

# of Knowledge of Location of Needs

% of Needs of Locations of Knowledge

% of Locations of Needs of Knowledge

# of Knowledge of Need of Locations

# of Locations of Needs of Knowledge

% of Need of Knowledge of Locations

% of Knowledge of Needs of Location

# of Locations of Needs of Knowledge

# of Needs of Projects of Knowledge

# of Projects of Intentions of Need

% of Dimension of Needs of Project

# of Needs of Dimensions of Project

% of Knowledge of Dimensions of Project

% of Dimensions of Knowledge of Project

# of Dimensions of Needs of Intention

% of Dimensions of Needs of Intention

% of Intentions of Dimension of Needs

# of Projects of Dimensions of Need

# of Dimension of Need of Projects

% of Dimension of Knowledge of Needs

% of Need of Dimensions of Knowledge

# of Dimensions of Knowledge of Need

# of Needs of Dimensions of Action

% of Dimension of Need of Actions

% of Needs of Dimensions of Action

# of Needs of Actions of Project

# of Actions of Needs of Project

% of Needs of Intentions of Action

% of Intention of Actions of Needs

# of Actions of Projects of Need

# of Actions of Need of Project

% of # of Need of Products

% of Products of Needs of Knowledge

# of Location of Needs of Products

# of Products of Locations of Need

% of Location of Knowledge of Products

% of Situations of Knowledge of Need

# of Situation of Location of Needs

# of Location of Need of Situations

% of Needs of Knowledge of Situation

% of Knowledge of Situations of Need

# of Needs of Knowledge of Situation

# of Situations of Needs of Knowledge

% of Needs of Knowledge of Observation

% of Knowledge of Observation of Needs

# of Observations of Need of Locations

# of Need of Location of Observations

% of Need of Observations of Location

% of Dimensions of Needs of Observation

# of Dimension of Observation of Needs

# of Observations of Dimensions of Need

% of Dimension of Needs of Location

% of Location of Dimensions of Needs

# of Locations of Dimensions of Need

# of Needs of Dimension of location

% of Dimension of Location of Needs

% of Situations of Dimensions

% of Knowledge of Situation of Needs

% of Dimensions of Needs of Situation

% of Needs of Knowledge of Situation

# of Situations of Needs of Knowledge

# of Needs of Dimensions of Situation

# of Dimension of Needs of Situations

% of Dimensions of Situations of Need

% of Dimensions of Knowledge of Situation

# of Dimension of Need of Situations

# of Needs of Dimensions of Knowledge

% of Dimension of Knowledge of Subjects

% of Knowledge of Dimensions of Subject

# of Dimensions of Subjects of Knowledge

# of Subjects of Needs of Knowledge

% of Needs of Knowledge of Subjects

% of Subjects of Knowledge of Location

# of Subjects of Needs of Location

# of Locations of Needs of Subject

% of Locations of Dimensions of Subject

% of Observations of Subjects of Need

# of Subjects of Observations of Needs

# of Subjects of Needs of Observation

% of Need of Situations of Subject

% of Situations of Dimensions of Needs

% of % of Knowledge of Need

% of % of Skill of Needs

# of # of Situation of Actions

% of % of Situations of Action

% of % of Action of Situations

# of # of Actions of Situation

# of # of Observation of Actions

% of % of Observations of Action

% of % of Action of Observations

# of # of Actions of Observation

# of # of Location of Actions

% of % of Locations of Action

% of % of Action of Locations

# of # of Actions of Location

# of # of Needs of Situation

% of % of Need of Situations

% of % of Situation of Needs

# of # of Need of Locations

% of % of Needs of Location

# of # of Location of Needs

% of % of Observations of Need

% of % of Observation of Needs

# of # of Need of Observations

# of # of Observations Right Now of Need

% of % of Need Right Here of Observations

# of # of Need Right Now of Observations

% of % of Observation Right Here of Needs

% of % of Situation Right Here of Observations

# of # of Observation Right Now of Locations

# of # of Observation Right Now of Situation

% of % of Location Right Here of Observations

# of # of Projects of Action

% of % of Project of Actions

# of # of Actions of Action

# of # of Intention of Actions

% of % of Intentions of Action

# of # of Expectation of Actions

% of % of Expectations of Action

# of # of Thoughts of Action

% of % of Thought of Actions

# of # of Well Why Do You Say So

# of # of Well Why Now Though

What % of #’s of need would this # actually involve though?

premium version of this product available


[email protected]



What to ask

# of # of factor of actions

What % of % of Numbers would this # involve already though?

What % of % of Numbers would this # actually involve though?

% of % of Numbers

What # of # of factor of actions would this % involve already though?


What # of # of factor of actions would this % actually involve though?

% of % of Numbers

# of # of factor of actions

# of # of factors of action

# of # of number of actions

# of # of locations of action

# of # of actions of location

# of # of project of actions

# of # of actions of project

# of # of product of actions

# of # of actions of action

# of # of subject of actions

# of # of projects of subject

# of # of path of subjects

# of # of subject of products

# of # of dimension of subjects

# of # of routes of subject

# of # of locations of subject

# of # of subjects of situation

# of # of factors of subject

# of # of dimension of subjects

# of # of factor of projects

# of # of actions of project

# of # of projects of action

# of # of project of locations

# of # of location of projects

# of # of locations of project

# of # of project of needs

# of # of needs of project

# of # of projects of need

# of # of need of projects

# of # of situations of need

# of # of need of situations

# of # of situation of needs

# of # of needs of situation

# of # of dimensions of action

# of # of needs of action

# of # of dimension of actions

# of # of observation of factors

# of # of path of locations

# of # of routes of need

# of # of route of projects

# of # of projects of project

# of # of project of products

# of # of products of product

# of # of Numbers

% of % of factor of products

% of % of path of products

% of % of products

% of % of subjects

% of % of knowledge

% of % of actions of project

% of % of action of locations

% of % of locations of action

% of % of number of actions

% of % of observation of actions

% of % of need of situations

% of % of need of products

% of % of need of actions

% of % of needs of action

% of % of dimensions of need

% of % of dimensions of situation

% of % of action of situations

% of % of situation of needs

% of % of path of needs

% of % of route of projects

% of % of needs of project

% of % of dimension of situations

% of % of routes of observation

% of % of factor of products

% of % of factors of project

% of % of factor of actions

% of % of need of observations

% of % of action of observations

% of % of products of observation

% of % of dimension of observations

% of % of observations of situation

% of % of location of situations

% of % dimensions of subject

% of % dimensions of action

% of % of location of factors

% of % routes of situation

% of % of subject of observations

% of % of subjects of observation

% of % of # of # of observations

% of % of #’s of observation

% of % of observations of project

% of % of # of # of subjects

% of % of Numbers

# of # of dimension of numbers

# of # of dimension of products

# of # of action of dimensions

# of # of actions of dimension

# of # of projects of dimension

# of # of dimensions of project

# of # of action of projects

# of # of actions of project

# of # of action of products

# of # of product of actions

# of # of Numbers

% of % of actions

% of % of decisions

% of % of need

% of % of product

% of % of numbers

% of % of projects

% of % of Numbers

# of # of route of actions

# of # of action of needs

# of # of need of products

# of # of needs of situation

# of # of actions of project

# of # of location of actions

# of # of projects of need

# of # of need of projects

# of # of need of actions

# of # of product of needs

# of # of needs of location

# of # of situations of need

# of # of subject of #’s

Need of #’s

Situation of #’s

# of # of situations of factor

# of # of knowledge of decisions

# of # of decisions of skill

# of # of path of products

# of # of product of actions

# of # of dimensions of actions

# of # of dimensions of project

# of # of projects of skill

# of # of skill of actions

# of # of actions of knowledge

# of # of actions of project

# of # of dimensions of need

# of # of needs of location

# of # of need of situations

# of # of situations of need

# of # of locations of need

# of # of routes of products

# of # of factor of actions

# of # of location of actions

# of # of action of locations

# of # of situations of action

# of # of situation of project

# of # of need of factors

# of # of Numbers

% of % of subjects

% of % of routes of need

% of % of need of situations

% of % of need of actions

% of % of #’s of need

% of % of knowledge of actions

% of % of needs of knowledge

% of % of Numbers

# of # of need of factors

# of # of factors of need

# of # of subject of needs

# of # of subject of numbers

# of # of subject of locations

# of # of location of subjects

# of # of subjects of situation

# of # of situation of subjects

# of # of product of subjects

# of # of subject of projects

# of # of conflict of products

# of # of product of conflicts

# of # of action of conflicts

# of # of conflict of actions

# of # of conflict of locations

# of # of location of conflicts

# of # of conflicts of need

# of # of knowledge of conflicts

# of # of conflict of numbers

# of # of number of conflicts

# of # of conflicts of situation

# of # of situation of conflicts

# of # of observation of conflicts

# of # of conflict of observation

# of # of conflict of factors

# of # of factor of conflict

# of # of skill of conflict

# of # of dimensions of conflict

# of # of conflict of routes

# of # of path of conflicts

# of # of paths of need

# of # of route of needs

# of # of routes

# of # of path of numbers

# of # of paths of knowledge

# of # of routes of skill

# of # of locations of route

# of # of path of locations

# of # of situation of routes

# of # of paths of situation

# of # of situations of knowledge

# of # of skill of situations

% of % of Numbers

# of # of factors of skill

# of # of knowledge of factors

# of # of needs of skill

# of # of knowledge of need

# of # of skill of numbers

# of # of numbers of knowledge

# of # of situation of numbers

# of # of number of situations

# of # of locations of situation

# of # of situation of locations

# of # of product of situations

# of # of products of situation

# of # of projects of situation

# of # of situation of projects

# of # of action of situations

# of # of situations of action

# of # of dimension of actions

# of # of dimensions of situation

# of # of path of actions

# of # of routes of action

# of # of actions of skill

# of # of knowledge of action

# of # of dimensions of skill

# of # of dimension of locations

# of # of location of situations

# of # of subject of locations

# of # of subjects of knowledge

# of # of subjects of need

# of # of subjects of dimension

# of # of dimensions of subject

# of # of subjects of situation

# of # of subjects of skill

# of # of subject of products

# of # of subjects of project

# of # of locations of subject

# of # of knowledge of subjects

# of # of subject of projects

# of # of subjects of action

# of # of projects of need

# of # of locations of need

# of # of need of skill

# of # of needs of knowledge

# of # of actions of skill

% of % of Numbers

# of # of product of numbers

# of # of number of products

# of # of number of projects

# of # of project of numbers

# of # of action of numbers

# of # of numbers of action

# of # of action of locations

# of # of number of locations

# of # of numbers of location

# of # of location of numbers

# of # of situation of numbers

# of # of number of situations

# of # of numbers of situation

# of # of observation of numbers

# of # of number of observations

# of # of observation of products

# of # of action of observations

# of # of project of observations

# of # of observations of project

# of # of location of observations

# of # of observation of locations

# of # of dimension of observations

# of # of observation of dimensions

# of # of observation of factors

# of # of factor of observations

# of # of knowledge of observations

# of # of skill of observations

# of # of observations

% of % of Numbers

# of # of observations of skill

# of # of knowledge of numbers

# of # of locations of skill

# of # of needs of knowledge

# of # of skill of needs

# of # of needs of skill

# of # of knowledge of needs

# of # of needs of project

# of # of project of needs

% of % of Numbers

# of # of factor of needs

# of # of need of locations

# of # of location of numbers

# of # of numbers of location

# of # of factor of numbers

# of # of numbers of factor

# of # of needs of need

# of # of need of #’s

# of # of #’s of need

# of # of factors of project

# of # of projects of factor

# of # of #’s of situation

# of # of situation of #’s

# of # of need of needs

# of # of situation of projects

# of # of project of situations

# of # of location of #’s

# of # of #’s of location

# of # of needs of location

# of # of locations of need

# of # of conflict of factors

# of # of factors of conflict

# of # of #’s of need

# of # of need of #’s

# of # of #’s of conflict

# of # of need of knowledge

# of # of knowledge of needs

# of # of knowledge of skill

# of # of skill of knowledge

# of # of need of knowledge

# of # of knowledge of need

# of # of need of projects

# of # of projects of need

# of # of need of locations

# of # of locations of need

# of # of need of #’s

# of # of #’s of need

# of # of need of %’s

# of # of #’s of need

# of # of factor of projects

# of # of project of factors

# of # of needs of skill

# of # of knowledge of needs

# of # of factors of skill

# of # of knowledge of factors

% of % of Numbers

# of # of actions of skill

# of # of locations of knowledge

# of # of subjects of skill

# of # of knowledge of numbers

# of # of need of products

# of # of products of need

# of # of dimension of products

# of # of action of dimensions

# of # of actions of project

# of # of projects of action

# of # of observations of project

# of # of products of observation

# of # observation of situations

# of # of routes of need

# of # of situations of need

# of # of routes of conflicts

# of # of needs of skill

# of # of knowledge of numbers

# of # of knowledge of projects

# of # of actions of skill

# of # of knowledge of action

# of # of dimension of numbers

# of # of dimensions of conflict

# of # of dimensions of project

# of # of dimension of products

# of # of dimensions of action

# of # of decisions

# of # of numbers

# of # of subjects

% of % of Numbers

What % of % of factor of products would this % actually involve though?

What % of % of factor of products would this % involve already though?

% of % of path of products

% of % of products

% of % of subjects

% of % of knowledge

% of % of actions of project

% of % of action of locations

% of % of locations of action

% of % of number of actions

% of % of observation of actions

% of % of need of situations

% of % of need of products

% of % of need of actions

% of % of needs of action

% of % of dimensions of need

% of % of dimensions of situation

% of % of action of situations

% of % of situation of needs

% of % of path of needs

% of % of route of projects

% of % of needs of project

% of % of dimension of situations

% of % of routes of observation

% of % of factor of products

% of % of factors of project

% of % of factor of actions

% of % of need of observations

% of % of action of observations

% of % of products of observation

% of % of dimension of observations

% of % of observations of situation

% of % of location of situations

% of % dimensions of subject

% of % dimensions of action

% of % of location of factors

% of % routes of situation

What type of factors would this subject actually involve though?

What type of factors would this subject involve already though?

Where to ask

right here – knowledge or projects

What subject are you actually talking about right now though?

What changes are you actually making right now though?

What will you be actually needing to start producing right now?

What did you want to actually start producing right here?

What will you already be needing to start producing right now?

What did you actually need to start talking about right here?

What will you be already needing to start talking about right now?

What are you wanting to actually start talking about right here?

What are you needing to already know about right now?

What are you actually wanting to know about right here?

What are you already needing to start obtaining right now?

What knowledge did you actually need to start learning about right now?

What subjects are you wanting to actually start talking about right now?

What projects are you needing to start actually developing right now?

What products are you already wanting to start producing right now?

What knowledge did you need right here?

What skill did you want to start having right now?

What locations did you need to start actually knowing about right here?

What did you need to start actually knowing about right now?

What did you already want to start knowing right here?

What did you actually need to start knowing about right now?

What did you want to start knowing about already right here?

What did you actually need to produce right now?

What did you want to actually produce right here?

What did you actually want to start knowing right here?

What did you already need to start producing right now?

What did you want to actually talk about right now?

What decisions are you making right now?

What actions did you need to actually start getting done right now?

What actions did you need to actually start getting done right here?

What actions are you actually needing to start getting done right here?

What actions are you needing to actually start taking right now?

What right here are you actually wanting to know right now?

What right now are you needing to actually be doing right here?

What knowledge did you actually need to be producing right here?

What knowledge did you need to have already produced right now?

What situations did you actually need to start knowing about right now?

What products are you needing to actually start producing for this project right now?

What changes right now are you needing to start actually producing for this project right here?

What knowledge right now are you already wanting to start actually producing for this project right here?

What products right now are you already needing to start actually making right here for this project?

What situations are you actually changing right here though?

What change are you actually needing right now though?

What observations are you actually wanting right now though?

What needs are you actually observing right here though?

What observations are you actually wanting right here though?

What subjects are you actually observing right here though?

What knowledge are you wanting right here though?

What situations are you actually observing right here though?

What observations are you needing right here though?

What situation are you actually wanting right here though?

What situations are you actually needing right now though?

What changes are you actually needing right here though?

What projects are you actually changing right now though?

What changes are you actually making right here though?

What products are you actually wanting right now though?

What actions are you actually needing right here though?

What projects are you actually needing right now though?

What actions are you actually wanting right here though?

What projects are you wanting right here though?

What products are you actually needing right now though?

What problems actually resolving right now though?

What changes are you actually wanting right here though?

What change are you actually making right here though?

What problem are you actually solving right now though?

What problems are you actually resolving right here though?

What problems are you actually wanting to solve right now though?

What situations are you actually wanting to change right here though?

What change are you actually needing to make right here though?

What situations are you actually needing to change right now though?

What change are you actually wanting to make right now though?

What problems are you needing to actually solve right here though?

What knowledge are you actually increasing right now though?

What need are you actually increasing right here though?

What skill are you actually needing right now though?

What locations are you needing right here though?

What knowledge are you actually wanting right now though?

What increase are you actually wanting right here though?

What numbers are you actually needing right now though?

What needs are you actually needing right here though?

What numbers are you actually wanting right now though?

What need are you actually wanting right here though?

What needs are you actually needing right now though?

What increase are you actually needing right here though?

What numbers are you actually wanting right here though?

What knowledge are you actually needing right now though?

What skill are you actually wanting right now though?

What skill do you actually need right here though?

What knowledge do you actually want right now though?

What increase do you actually need right here though?

What do you actually need to increase right now though?

What do you actually want to obtain right here though?

What do you actually need right here though?

What are you actually needing right now though?

What are you actually wanting to obtain right here though?

Where are you actually needing to be right now though?

Where are you actually needing to go right here though?

What are you actually wanting to do right here though?

What are you actually wanting to know right now though?

What are you actually needing to do right here though?

Where are you wanting to go right now though?

Where you actually needing to be right here though?

What are you actually wanting right now though?

What are you actually needing to obtain right now though?

What you needing to actually learn right here though?

What are you actually wanting to know right here though?

What are you actually wanting to obtain right now though?

What are you actually needing to do right now though?

What are you actually wanting right here though?

What are you actually wanting to do though?

What are you actually wanting though?

If not high quality knowledge try

% of % of Numbers

What # of # of factor of actions would this % actually involve though?

What # of # of factor of actions would this % involve already though?


What # of # of factor of actions could this % actually involve though?

What # of # of factor of actions could this % involve already though?


What # of # of factor of actions will this % actually involve though?

What # of # of factor of actions will this % involve already though?


# of # of factors of action

What % of % of numbers could this # actually involve though?


% of % of Numbers

What % of % of factor of actions would this % actually involve though?

What % of % of factor of actions would this subject actually involve though?

What % of % of factor of actions would this subject involve already though?

Helps with thinking

% of % of Dimensions that need to be included with this subject right here

# of # of Dimensions that would need to be included with this subject right now

# of # of Subjects of subjects that need to be talked about right here


% of % of What needs to be done with this project right here

What type of factors would this % actually involve though?

What type of products would this factor actually involve though?

What type of actions would this product actually involve though?


# of # of What needs to be done with this project right now

What factor of #’s could this # actually involve though?

What # of factors could this factor involve already though?

premium version of this product available


[email protected]
